
Abstract This paper presents a summary of palynological data for Pennsylvanian age coal beds in the Appalachian Basin, discussed primarily from a biostratigraphic perspective. Coal bed palynofloras of Lower Pennsylvanian through early Permian age are compared and correlated with miospore assemblage zones established for western Europe, and the Eastern Interior (Illinois) and Western Interior Basins of the mid-continent USA. Lower Pennsylvanian palynofloras, which are dominated by lycopsid spores, are correlative with the Langsettian of western Europe and the Morrowan of the Eastern and Western Interior mid-continent USA Basins. Stratigraphically useful palynotaxa include Dictyotriletes bireticulatus , Radiizonates striatus , Schulzospora rara , Granasporites medius , Laevigatosporites minor and Endosporites globiformis . Middle Pennsylvanian palynofloras change through time, being lycopsid dominant in the lower part and more heterogeneous in the middle and upper parts with increased contributions from other Pennsylvanian plant groups. They are correlative with the Duckmantian, Bolsovian and Asturian of western Europe and the Atokan and Desmoinesian of the Eastern and Western Interior mid-continent USA Basins. Stratigraphically useful palynotaxa include Secarisporites remotus , Microreticulatisporites sulcatus , Vestispora fenestrata , Triquitrites sculptilis , Laevigatosporites globosus , Radiizonates difformis , Torispora securis , Triquitrites minutus , Mooreisporites inusitatus , Murospora kosankei , Thymospora pseudothiessenii and Schopfites dimorphus . Upper Pennsylvanian and lower Permian coal beds in the Appalachian Basin, in contrast to their Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian counterparts, are strongly dominated by tree fern spore palynotaxa. Palynofloras correlate with the Stephanian and Autunian of western Europe and the Missourian, Virgilian and Wolcampian of the Eastern and Western Interior mid-continent USA Basins.

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