
In nuclear power plant design and, after, when they are under work, in front of any change in the design or periodical safety review, it is necessary to perform safety studies in order to guarantee the safety operation along their useful life. These safety studies, traditionally has been divided between deterministic safety analysis and probabilistic safety analysis, although the last years trending is to integrate the characteristics of both classes of analysis in order to build more complete safety studies. Among the deterministic safety analysis, when the Best Estimate (BE) codes are employed and, in addition, the uncertainty effect are taken into account, we are inside of the methodology called Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU). This Thesis provides new tools and procedures in order to perform the deterministic safety analysis of nuclear power plants by means of Best Estimate methodology through of several applications employed. Statistical tools are provided for performing BEPU analysis. Particularly, a procedure is presented for built BEPU studies that can be applied in almost all the transients and facility in a methodical way. This procedure is comprehensive and include from the development of the transient scenario by means of BE thermalhydraulic code and the input parameters selection to the uncertainty propagation over the safety criteria and the verification of their compliance using different uncertainty analysis methods, both parametric and non parametric methods. With the purpose of demonstrating the procedure versatility, this it is applied to the studio of transients and facilities with different phenomenology. Specifically, it have been applied to: PWR nuclear power plant for a Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LBLOCA), experimental facility for a Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident (SBLOCA) and in a spent fuel storage of a PWR nuclear power plant for a loss of coolant accident. Last, this Thesis contribute with a methodology accordingly for incorporating assumptions from probabilistic safety analysis about system configuration availability inside the deterministic safety analysis. Therefore, an approach enclosed into the known as Extended BEPU (EBEPU) methodologies is constructed. In order to demonstrate the viability and applicability of this methodology, an application case is provided, which consists in Loss of Feed Water system (LOFW) in a PWR nuclear power plant. The work carried out in this PhD thesis are enclosed into the grant of Formacion de Personal Investigador (FPI)-Subprograma1 de la convocatoria de 2012 supported by the Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID) of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.; En el diseno de las centrales nucleares (CCNN) y, una vez puestas en funcionamiento, ante cualquier cambio de diseno o revision periodica de seguridad (RPS), es necesario realizar estudios de seguridad para garantizar la operacion segura durante su vida util. Dichos estudios, tradicionalmente se han dividido en analisis deterministas de seguridad (ADS) y…

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