
CARDIORISC is a project of the Spanish Society of Hypertension-Spanish League for the Fight against Hypertension, endorsed by the European Society of Hypertension. This project was started in 2004 and aims to optimize the management of hypertensive patients in Spain. Until then, general practitioners had little access to ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and patients had to be referred to specific hypertension units for evaluation. CARDIORISC has allowed ABPM to be widely introduced in primary care settings in Spain under conditions of daily clinical practice, generating wide scientific evidence based on analysis of the database of more than 110,000 hypertensive patients, with data contributed by more than 1,250 researchers, many of whom work in primary care. Five years since its initiation, the project has produced a huge body of evidence on issues of key interest for general practitioners such as identification of “white-coat” hypertension, masked hypertension, and nocturnal hypertension. Most importantly, the data generated by the CARDIORISC project is improving the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of hypertensive patients attending primary care.

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