
Parvoviruses affect both vertebrates and invertebrates, and can be both detrimental and benign to the host. Numerous studies about parvovirus-induced apoptotic cell death have been researched and reported. In most parvovirus infections, cell death heightens the virus dissemination and causes tissue damage, often leading to disease. Cell cycle arrest also induces cytopathic effects in infected cells and is sometimes aprerequisite to apoptotic cell death. Cell death mechanisms caused by parvovirus infections vary depending on the infecting parvovirus strain and the cell lines involved. Apo-ptosis, however, is afrequent form of cell death induced by parvoviruses. The non-structural protein 1 (NS1) is amajor contributor to parvovirus infection-induced cell death. However, other proteins such as the 11kDa, NP1 and viral genome replication can also induce cell death. Understanding the mechanisms involved in parvovirus cell death, and host response is important in the development of treatment for cytopathic parvoviruses. This review article discusses parvovirus-induced apoptotic cell death and the mechanisms involved. Keywords: apoptosis; cell cycle arrest; cell death; parvovirus; viral protein.

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