
It is known that audiogenic seizure (AGS) expression is based on the activation of the midbrain structures such as the inferior colliculus (IC). It was demonstrated that excessive sound exposure during the postnatal developments of the IC in rats led to AGS susceptibility in adulthood, which correlated with underdevelopment of the IC. In adult rodents, noise overstimulation induced apoptosis in the IC. The purpose of this study was to investigate postnatal development of the IC in rats genetically prone to AGS and to check if audiogenic kindling would activate apoptosis and/or proliferation in the IC. In our study, we used inbred audiogenic Krushinsky–Molodkina (KM) rats, which are characterized by age-dependent seizure expression. Analysis of postnatal development showed the increased number of proliferating cells in the IC central nucleus of KM rats on the 14th postnatal day (P14) in comparison with those of Wistar rats. Moreover, we also observed increased apoptosis level and decreased general cell population in the IC central nucleus. These data pointed towards a delayed development of the IC in KM rats. Analysis of the IC central nucleus of KM rat after audiogenic kindling for a week, with one AGS per day, demonstrated dramatically increased cell death, which was accompanied with a reduction of general cell population. Audiogenic kindling also decreased proliferation in the IC central nucleus. However, a week after the last AGS, the number of proliferating cells was increased, which supposes a certain compensatory mechanism to prevent cell loss.

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