
We compared the effect of lipid composition and particle size of triglyceride-rich low density lipoprotein (LDL) upon apoprotein B conformation and binding to the LDL receptor. Three groups of triglyceride-rich LDL were studied: (a) LDL isolated from chronic hypertriglyceridemic individuals (HTG-LDL); (b) normal LDL made triglyceride-rich by in vitro incubation with triglyceride emulsion and the neutral lipid transfer protein (R-LDL); and (c) LDL from normolipidemic individuals made acutely hypertriglyceridemic by intravenous infusion of 10% Intralipid (IV-LDL). HTG-LDL was small and dense, whereas R-LDL and IV-LDL had normal size. HTG-LDL, but not R-LDL or IV-LDL, exhibited decreased binding to the LDL receptor on human skin fibroblasts in studies at 4 degrees C and reduced degradation at 37 degrees C. Apoprotein B conformation was assessed by circular dichroism and by analyzing the immunoreactivity of different monoclonal antibodies. HTG-LDL but not R-LDL or IV-LDL showed a change in the CD spectra and a consistent decrease in the immunoreactivity of monoclonal antibody 3F5 (2.5-fold) which recognizes an epitope adjacent to the receptor binding domain of apoprotein B. These findings suggest that in triglyceride-rich LDL, the relative content of neutral lipid in the core of LDL in the absence of changes in the size of the particle does not significantly affect apoprotein B conformation or its affinity for the LDL receptor.


  • We compared the effect of lipid compositionand par- carrier of cholesterol in plasma, are associated with increased ticle size of triglyceride-rich low density lipoprotein risk of atherosclerosis [1].LDL exhibits awide heterogeneity (LDL) uponapoprotein B conformation and binding to in lipid composition, immunoreactivity, size and density in the LDL receptor

  • LDL, exhibited decreased binding to theLDL receptor tural analysis, the use of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) on human skin fibroblasts in studies at 4 “C and re- against different epitopes of Apoprotein B-100 (apoB) has been useful in deterduced degradation at 37 “C. Apoprotein B conforma- mining the general structure, thebinding region to the LDL

  • LDL Composition-Compared with N-LDL, LDL from subjects with chronic hypertriglyceridemia had relative enrichment in protein (1.4-fold)and triglyceride (%fold) along with a relative decrease in phospholipid and free and esterified cholesterol (20, 30, and 25%, respectively) (TableI)

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Apoprotein B Structure

Na'? was obtained from Amersham Corp. 10 and 20% Intralipid was obtained from Kabivitrum, Alameda, CA. 6 mg of LDL esterified cholesterol was incubated with 60 mg of emulsion triglyceride and 300-400 mg protein of d > 1.21 g/ml plasma in a solution of 0.19 M NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 100 kallikrein inhibitory units/ml aprotinin, 10 pg/ml leupeptin, 1pg/ml pepstatin, pH 8.25. SizelDensity of LDL-To assess LDL size and relative densities, nonequilibrium rate zonal ultracentrifugation was performed in d > 1.006 g/ml plasma from chronically hypertriglyceridemic subjects, from normolipidemic individuals after 6 hof intravenous infusion of. Cell Binding-To assess the affinity of different LDL for the LDL receptor, in most of experiments, competition studies were done in duplicate at 4 "C on monolayers of humanskin fibroblasts; the medium (pH 7.4) contained Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium, 20 mM Hepes, 5% lipoprotein-deficient serum, 5 pg/ml Iz6I-LDL,and increasing amounts of experimental LDL [27, 28]. Saturation binding assays at 4 "C were done in duplicate using increasing amounts of 'Z51-experimental LDL in the presence and absence of a 50-fold excess of unlabeled LDL, and the total, nonspecific, and specific binding was calculated [27, 28]

Circular Dichroic Spectroscopy
Immunoreactivity of LDL ApoB with Monoclonal Antibodies
Other Analyses
Infusion time
LDL demonstrate that these changes in the apoB receptor
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