
Observation of cleared ovules of Poa secunda Presl showed that plants produce aposporous embryo sacs, and emasculation studies showed that they do not set seed without pollen. The ratio of sexual to asexual embryo sacs on a given plant does not correlate with percent stainable pollen, nor does pollen stainability correlate with meiotic regularity or with chromosome number. Percent apomictic ovules, percent pollen stainability, and regularity of meiosis all vary within a given population; they also vary if the same plant is moved from one site to another. Although there is morphological variation in the species, none of the reproductive features correlates with morphology. Pollen from any morph will stimulate seed set in any other morph, and hybrids have been produced in low frequency. Plants will also set seed using their own pollen. In its reproductive biology, P. secunda exhibits many similarities with P. pratensis L.

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