
Sporadic inclusion body myositis and the hereditary inclusion body myopathies are severe, progressive muscle diseases, characterized pathologically by vacuolated muscle fibers containing paired helical filaments. We immunostained muscle biopsy specimens from sporadic inclusion body myositis, hereditary inclusion body myopathy, disease control, and normal patients with several antibodies against apolipoprotein E (ApoE). Approximately 80 to 90% of the vacuolated muscle fibers of sporadic inclusion body myositis contained well-defined, strongly immunoreactive ApoE inclusions. In hereditary inclusion body myopathy, only rare vacuolated fibers had immunoreactive inclusions, whereas most had diffuse cytoplasmic ApoE immunoreactivity. Ultrastructurally, ApoE immunoreactivity in sporadic myositis was localized mainly to the paired helical filaments. By contrast, in the hereditary form, ApoE immunoreactivity occurred on material in close proximity to the paired helical filaments, but never was on the paired helical filaments. In both muscle diseases, ApoE was also on the 6- to 10-nm filaments and amorphous material. In the sporadic form, ApoE-immunoreactive deposits colocalized with Congo red-positive deposits; however, in muscle fibers from patients with hereditary disease there was no congophilia. ApoE messenger RNA was not detectable in muscle fibers from patients with hereditary or sporadic disease but was expressed abundantly in muscle macrophages. In all control and inclusion body myositis or myopathy biopsy specimens, ApoE immunoreactivity was strong at the postsynaptic domain of neuromuscular junctions; nonjunctional regions of normal fibers were negative for ApoE. ApoE immunoreactivity occurred diffusely in regenerating muscle fibers, a subset of which had detectable ApoE messenger RNA.

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