
A tradition that offers a magical element in its implementation always attracts the human senses. This magical element is one of the sacred factors in a tradition. One tradition that is thick with elements of sacredness is the tradition of boredom in the village of Alas Malang, Banyuwangi. Therefore, this research is written as an effort to maintain the existence of the kebo-keboan tradition so that it is in line with the development of the tourism world in Banyuwangi and to explain apocalyptic values ​​in a tradition called kebo-keboan. This apocalyptic value is a form of harmony between humans and nature in the implementation of the boredom tradition. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using ethnographic method approach. The data in this research is the speech or behavior of the people of Alas Malang Village related to apocalyptic elements. In collecting data, researchers used observation and interview techniques. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data, the researcher took several steps, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show the stages in the implementation of the kebo-keboan tradition which are divided into three, namely the opening, the core in the form of the earth ider, and the closing. Literary apocalyptic in the cultural tradition is described in the figure of Mbah Buyut Karti who is considered a hero, the agricultural environment and pageblug as an apocalyptic environment, and whisik as a vision or prophecy.


  • Masyarakat Jawa memiliki beragam kebudayaan yang memancarkan nilai-nilai dan citra yang positif di dalam kehidupan

  • The tradition of keboan is still being carried out today as a form of respect for the village community for their ancestors and to maintain the existence of this tradition in line with the development of tourism in Banyuwangi

  • The purpose of this research is to describe the stages in the kebo-keboan tradition in the village of Alas Malang and to describe the apocalyptic values in the kebo-keboan tradition

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Malang diyakini merupakan desa asal dari

Mbah Buyut Karti yang mendapat wangsit untuk membuat ritual bernama kebo-keboan yang selanjutnya menjadi tradisi yang diwariskan ke generasi selanjutnya. Pada prosesi pembukaan dan penutupan diadakan selametan di empat punden yang dipercaya sebagai batas Desa Alas Malang. Hal ini sejalan dengan sejarah asal usul tradisi kebokeboan yang berasal dari musibah pagebluk sehingga muncul sosok pahlawan, yaitu Mbah Buyut Karti yang diyakini masyarakat dapat mengupayakan keselamatan Desa Alas Malang. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah tuturan atau perilaku masyarakat Desa Alas Malang yang berkaitan dengan unsur apokaliptik sastra. Pada prosesi pembukaan terdapat ritual yang ditujukan kepada alam dan juga roh leluhur yang dipercaya menjaga Desa Alas Malang. Tempat pelaksanaan prosesi ini adalah di empat punden yang ada di Desa Alas Malang. Pada prosesi inti tradisi kebo- keboan, satu hari sebelum tanggal pelaksanaannya masyarakat akan menggelar punjer di Desa Alas Malang. Pada prosesi penutup dalam tradisi kebo-keboan sama persis dengan prosesi pembukaan, yaitu terdapat ritual yang ditujukan kepada alam dan juga roh leluhur yang dipercaya menjaga Desa Alas Malang.

Pahlawan Bagi Masyarakat Desa Alas Malang
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