
Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one freshwater fish which have high economic value. In the culture of tilapia, feed is the most important external factors. The optimal levels of protein to support the growth of tilapia ranged from 28-40 %, however the digested one is only about 20-25 % and the others were wasted and accumulated in the water. An attempt have been done to improve the feed digestibility value in tilapia by using the prebiotics addition to the feed. The aims of this research was to evaluate the addition of prebiotics to the feed to improve feed digestibility value in tilapia. The parameters measured were the amount of feed intake, the total population of bacteria, protein digestibility, fat digestibility, total digestibility, protein retention, fatty retention, specific growth rate, survival rate and feed efficiency. The results showed that the protein digestibility was 92.25%, fatty digestibility was 96.61% and total digestibility was 86.77%. The best results of feed was found in the addition of 1% prebiotic. Keyword: digestibility, prebiotics, tilapia


  • Pada kegiatan budidaya ikan nila, pakan merupakan aspek eksternal terpenting

  • The optimal levels of protein to support the growth of tilapia ranged from 28-40 %, the digested one is only about 20-25 % and the others were wasted and accumulated in the water

  • The aims of this research was to evaluate the addition of prebiotics to the feed to improve feed digestibility value in tilapia

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Jumlah populasi bakteri

Sebanyak 5 Tabung steril disiapkan dan disusun berderet pada rak tabung reaksi. Kemudian masing-masing tabung reaksi dimasukkan larutan fisiologis sebanyak 0,9 ml. Kemudian dilakukan pengenceran sampel suspensi bakteri dan ambil secara aseptik 0,1 ml suspensi bakteri lalu dimasukkan kedalam tabung reaksi pertama, dikocok agar homogen. Lalu secara aseptik dipipet 0,1 ml sampel dari tabung pengencer kedua, dan seterusnya hingga tabung pengencer ke lima. Kemudian disiapkan 3 cawan petri steril berisi media TSA dan dipipet 0.1 ml sampel dari tabung reaksi ke 5 lalu disebar pada media TSA secara aseptik menggunakan batang penyebar yang sebelumnya telah disterilkan. Setelah itu tutup dengan cling wrap dan letakkan cawan petri dalam posisi terbalik untuk diinkubasi pada suhu kamar selama 24 jam. Setelah itu catat dan hitung jumlah koloni bakteri yang tumbuh dengan rumus di bawah ini : Jumlah sel bakteri =

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