
Technological advances that can be used by the public as a media for education are the development of Android smartphone technology, Android is the most popular of smartphone operating system in Indonesia with a percentage of 92%. Javanese language is one of the regional languages in Indonesia, but now its condition is threatened with extinction due to the smaller number of speakers in daily conversation. SD Negeri Karangmangu 1 is one of the institutions where students experience this problem, because some students feel ashamed and doubtful about using Javanese when talking to older people, due to the lack of Javanese vocabulary they understand. This research about Android Based Application Of Javanese Language Educational Games For Elementary Students. The application built is expected to help and make it easier for students in grades 3-6 to learn Javanese, by packaging Javanese into a fun interactive multimedia application (playing while learning). This application was developed using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method. The concept of the game is that some Javanese vocabulary will be provided and the user is required to answer and sort the words according to the questions provided before the time runs out, if the answer is correct so the answer and Javanese script will be displayed, as well as the sound of the pronunciation. The results of the application testing were 38% agreed and 62% strongly agreed that the Android Based Application Of Javanese Language Educational Games For Elementary Students can help and make it easier for students in grades 3-6 to learn Javanese language with fun interactive multimedia.


  • Technological advances that can be used by the public as a media

  • for education are the development of Android smartphone technology

  • now its condition is threatened with extinction

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Aplikasi Permainan Edukasi Bahasa Jawa Bagi Siswa SD Berbasis Android

Android Based Application of Javanese Language Educational Games for Elementary Students. Bahasa Jawa merupakan salah satu dari bahasa daerah yang ada di Indonesia, namun kini kondisinya terancam punah dikarenakan jumlah penuturnya yang semakin sedikit dalam percakapan sehari-hari. SD Negeri Karangmangu 1 merupakan salah satu institusi yang siswa-siswinya mengalami permasalahan ini, lantaran sebagian siswa merasa malu dan ragu-ragu menggunakan bahasa Jawa ketika berbicara dengan orang yang lebih tua, dikarenakan minimnya kosakata bahasa Jawa yang dipahami. Penelitian ini membahas Aplikasi Permainan Edukasi Bahasa Jawa Bagi Siswa SD Berbasis Android. Aplikasi yang dibangun diharapkan dapat membantu dan memudahkan siswa kelas 3 - 6 mempelajari bahasa Jawa, dengan mengemas bahasa Jawa ke dalam aplikasi multimedia interaktif yang menyenangkan (bermain sambil belajar). Hasil pengujian aplikasi yaitu 38% menyatakan setuju dan 62% menyatakan sangat setuju bahwa Aplikasi Permainan Edukasi Bahasa Jawa Bagi Siswa SD Berbasis Android dapat membantu dan memudahkan siswa kelas 3 - 6 mempelajari bahasa Jawa dengan multimedia interaktif yang menyenangkan

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