
Decision support systems are part of computer-based information systems that are commonly used to support decision making in an organization or company. The decision support system is used as an alternative system that helps in making decisions to recommend the selection of study programs to prospective engineering faculty students. This decision support system uses the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. The SAW method in this study uses five criteria, namely the value of mathematics, the value of English, the value of technology education, the value of cultural arts, and the income of parents. There are four alternatives used, namely Informatics, Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Urban and Regional Planning (PWK).


  • Decision support systems are part of computer-based information systems that are commonly used to support decision making in an organization or company

  • The decision support system is used as an alternative system

  • that helps in making decisions to recommend the selection of study programs

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Metode Penelitian

Penelitian yang akan diteliti melakukan tahapan – tahapan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan model waterfall. Hasil akhir diperoleh dari proses perankingan yaitu penjumlahan dari perkalian matriks ternormalisasi R dengan bobot sehingga diperoleh nilai terbesar yang dipilih sebagai alternatif terbaik (Ai) sebagai solusi pada tahapan ini diisi oleh calon mahasiswa. Penerapan kode program untuk menghasilkan alternatif terpilih dapat dilihat pada potongan kode berikut: mendapatkan pengumpulan data - data mahasiswa baru di KP2MB serta bertemu dosen – dosen di setiap kepala program studi di Fakultas Teknik. $hsl[0][0] = 'Informatika'; $hsl[0][1] = $V[0]; $hsl[1][0] = 'Teknik Sipil'; $hsl[1][1] = $V[1]; $hsl[2][0] = 'Arsitektur'; $hsl[2][1] = $V[2]; $hsl[3][0] = 'PWK'; $hsl[3][1] = $V[3]; Nilai kemampuan matematika, bahasa inggris, pengetahuan teknologi, dan seni budaya berdasarkan rapor sekolah calon mahasiswa fakultas teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin.

Normalisasi matriks
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