
High mobility by family members, makes it difficult for parents to supervise children's activities. At present supervision of children is not enough just to see or supervise directly. This application is designed to be able to monitor the location of the child's presence when parents want to know the whereabouts of their children. This application is also able to see the history of the existence of children in the time interval specified to be searched. This application is used android-based mobile devices. This application is expected to be used by parents to indirectly supervise their children's activities.


  • At present supervision of children is not enough just to see or supervise directly. This application is designed to be able to monitor the location of the child's presence when parents want to know the whereabouts of their children

  • This application is able to see the history of the existence of children in the time interval specified to be searched

  • This application is used android-based mobile devices. This application is expected to be used by parents to indirectly supervise their children's activities

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At present supervision of children is not enough just to see or supervise directly. This application is designed to be able to monitor the location of the child's presence when parents want to know the whereabouts of their children. Pada Use Case ini terdapat 2 aktor yaitu anak sebagai pengguna sistem dan orang tua sebagai pengelola sistem, pada pengguna terdapat beberapa use case yaitu orang tua dapat Melakukan Chattingan, Mengakses Lokasi, Map, melihat jejak atau history anak, orang tua dapat melihat jarak masing-masing anggota keluarga yang telah terdaftar pada group aplikasi pemantauan lokasi keluarga. Activity Diagram untuk Chatting Pada activity menu untuk melihat lokasi, orang tua membuka menu lokasi aplikasi akan menampilkan lokasi dan orang tua dapat melihat lokasi anggota keluarga yang telah bergabung dengan group, akan tampil lokasi keberadaan para anggota keluarga didalam aplikasi, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar 3 di bawah ini.

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