
<p>According to the World Health Organization (WHO) cardiovascular disease is a disease caused by impaired heart and blood vessel function. There are many types of cardiovascular disease, but the most common and most well-known are coronary heart disease and stroke. Stroke is a syndrome characterized by symptoms and / or rapidly developing clinical signs in the form of focal and global brain functional disorders lasting more than 24 hours (unless there are surgical interventions or bringing death), which are not caused by other causes besides vascular causes. The number of stroke patients in Indonesia in 2013 based on the diagnosis of health personnel (Nakes) was 1.236.825 (7,0%), while based on the diagnosis of symptoms was 2.137.941 (12,1%). In this study the factors that can affect the survival of stroke sufferers were analyzed using the Cox proportional hazard regression model, the dependent variable was the length of time the patient was treated and the independent variables were gender, age, hypertension status, cholesterol status, Diabetes Militus (DM) status, stroke type, and Body Mass Index (BMI). The result showed that age, DM status, and type of stroke were the most influential factors on the survival of stroke patients at Balung Regional Hospital.</p><strong>Keywords : </strong>stroke disease, survival analysis, Cox proportional hazard model


  • a disease caused by impaired heart and blood vessel function

  • a syndrome characterized by symptoms

  • global brain functional disorders lasting more than 24 hours

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. Himpunan dari individu yang mengalami event sebelum waktu dinotasikan sebagai sehingga fungsi partial likelihood dari model Cox proportional hazard dapat dirumuskan dengan, merupakan vektor variabel dari individu yang gagal pada waktu ke- dengan waktu. Uji asumsi proportional hazard dengan menggunakan variabel time dependent menggunakan model Cox extended yang melibatkan fungsi waktu. Pemilihan fungsi waktu dapat berdasarkan p − value yang dihasilkan dari variabel yang tidak memenuhi asumsi proportional hazard. Model Cox proportional hazard merupakan model berdistribusi semiparametrik karena dalam model Cox proportional hazard tidak memerlukan informasi tentang distribusi yang mendasari waktu survival dan untuk mengestimasi parameter regresi dari model Cox proportional hazard tanpa harus menentukan fungsi hazard dasar (baseline hazard) [4]. Adapun cara untuk mengatasi masalah non proportional hazard yaitu dengan menggunakan model Regresi Cox Stratified dan Model. Jika ada variabel time-dependent dalam model, model regresi Cox dapat digunakan tetapi tidak memenuhi asumsi proportional hazard. Uji yang dilakukan ada dua, yaitu uji serentak dan uji parsial

Uji Serentak Hipotesis : minimal terdapat satu
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