
Nagaswidak Health Center is one of the community health centers that is quite large and has complete facilities. But the problem that is often faced by officers in the puskesmas is the medical record data processing system which is still manual, causing the accumulation of patient medical record file data, in addition to patients who have been checked before and lost their medical records, it is very difficult for officers to find back, so the officer made a new medical record data. To overcome this problem, a Medical Records Filling Application was made at the Nagaswidak Health Center which includes the processing of medical records, patient data, drug data, action data, doctor data, and admin logins. So that the data search problem is not difficult, the turbo boyer moore algorithm method is applied which is expected to later be able to facilitate the search for patient data in the medical record filling application. Based on the test results Boyer Moore's Algorithm successfully applied to search for the beginning of a word, middle word, and final word. And the level of ease and usefulness of medical records application using Boyer Moore's algorithm obtained results that the level of ease is 80% and 100% usability rate.


  • Nagaswidak Health Center is one of the community health centers that is quite large and has complete facilities

  • The problem that is often faced by officers in the puskesmas is the medical record data processing system which is still manual, causing the accumulation of patient medical record file data, in addition to patients who have been checked before and lost their medical records, it is very difficult for officers to find back, so the officer made a new medical record data

  • A Medical Records Filling Application was made at the Nagaswidak Health Center which includes the processing of medical records, patient data, drug data, action data, doctor data, and admin logins

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Pembuatan aplikasi rekam medis dapat mempermudah petugas filling untuk mengontrol dan mengendalikan dokumen rekam medis, meningkatkan efektivitas komunikasi antar petugas medis, selai itu tidak memerlukan ruang penyimpanan yang besar dan juga memberikan informasi atau pengingat kepada petugas rekam medis untuk menindaklanjuti pasien. Pencarian data dalam jumlah data yang besar mengakibatkan waktu yang lama sehingga agar lebih cepat dan akurat maka diterapkan suatu teknik Turbo Boyer Moore. Moore juga telah banyak dilakukan oleh [3] bahwa proses pencarian istilah pada aplikasi kamus kedokteran dimana pencarian kata dengan algoritma Boyer Moore berhasil dilakukan dengan persentase sebesar 100%. Penelitian berikutnya dilakukan oleh [4] dimana “algoritma Boyer Moore mempunyai keunggulan dalam waktu menemukan pattern yang akan dicari dalam ukuran file yang lebih besar”, dengan file size 4.625 byte dengan varian keyword berbeda. Sedangkan dalam penelitian [5] dengan adanya algoritma Turbo Boyer Moore pada pencarian judul maka proses yang dilakukan lebih efektif, cepat dan mudah. Penelitian selanjutnya dilakukan oleh [8] bahwa implementasi algoritma Boyer Moore berhasil dilakukan dari dengan cara memasukan kata pada bidang teks yang dicari dengan rentang “waktu terendah 126 dengan kata (a,b) sampai yang tertinggi 165 dengan masukan (a,b,o,r,t,u,s). metode ini menghasilkan waktu pengiriman hasil kata dengan 0 ms/sec”

Langkah Penelitian
Hasil Perancangan Aplikasi
Implementasi Algoritma Boyer Moore
Aplikasi Rekam Medis
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