
Candlenut cv. Sunan is alternative biofuels plant also as raw of many industrial products. Its hard pulp seed becomes barrier of germination. This condition can be overcome by giving natural plant growth regulators (PGRs), i,e shallot as auxin source, bamboo shoot as gibberellin source, banana bulb and coconut water as sources of cytokinin. The research aim was knowing effect of various PGRs and their combinations to promote germination and growth of seedling candlenut cv Sunan. The research was done from June to October 2016, in experimental design of Randomized Block Design (RBD), consisted of : a0 : control (without PGRs); a1 : shallot (BM); a2 : bamboo shoot (RB); a3: banana bulb (BP); a4 : coconut water (AK); a5 : BM+ RB; a6 : BM + BP; a7 : BM + AK; a8 : RB+ BP; a9 : RB + AK; a10 : BP + AK; a11 : BM + RB + BP + AK, all repeated three times. The result showed that application of natural PGRs had significant effect on germination percentage, plant height on 30 days after planting (dap), 37 dap, 44 dap, and 51 dap, number of leaves 51 dap. Application of BP + AK gave the best effect on germination (97.78%), but no significant different with RB + BP; BM + RB + BP + AK. Application of BP + AK generated highest plant (13.57 cm). The best of the number of leaves was RB + AK (1.45 leaves). Overall application of natural PGRs from banana bulb + coconut water gave the best effect, besides bamboo shoot and shallot have opportunity to be developed.


  • This condition can be overcome by giving natural plant growth regulators

  • The research was done from June to October 2016

  • Pengaruh Zat Pengatur Tumbuh terhadap Perkecambahan Benih dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Kamarandah (Croto tiglium L.)

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Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2016 sampai dengan Oktober 2016 menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan percobaan RAK sederhana dengan perlakuan berbagai bahan zpt alami sebagai berikut: a0 : kontrol (tanpa bahan zpt), a1 : ekstrak umbi bawang merah, a2 : ekstrak rebung bambu, a3: ekstrak bonggol pisang; a4 : air kelapa, a5 : ekstrak umbi bawang merah + ekstrak rebung bambu, a6 : ekstrak umbi bawang merah + ekstrak bonggol pisang, a7 : ekstrak umbi bawang merah + air kelapa, a8 : ekstrak rebung bambu + ekstrak bonggol pisang, a9 : ekstrak rebung bambu + air kelapa, a10 : ekstrak bonggol pisang+ air kelapa, a11 : ekstrak umbi bawang merah + ekstrak rebung bambu + ekstrak bonggol pisang + air kelapa. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh perlakuan maka dilakukan pengujian dengan uji Fisher pada taraf kesalahan 5%. Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui perlakuan terbaik, maka dilakukan uji Scott-Knott. Bahan-bahan zat pengatur tumbuh difermentasikan dengan dekomposer MBIO selama 14 hari sebelum digunakan sampai terbentuk ekstrak. Selanjutnya adalah merendam biji bernas kemiri sunan dalam ekstrak bahan ZPT alami selama 24 jam. Kemudian menebar biji pada bak persemaian dan dilakukan pengamatan perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan pembibitan

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