
  Objective. The purpose of this study was to review the conceptual aspects of Heart Rate Variability (HRV), its measurement devices, in­dexes used for analysis and clinical use. Method. A non-systematic lit­erature review conducted through electronic search conducted in the following databases: Medline/PubMed, Lilacs, Ovid, Science Direct and BioMed Central about the clinical use of HRV. Results. HRV comprises oscillations between RR intervals that reflect the changes in heart rate due to the joint action of the sympathetic and parasympa­thetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. The HRV’s analysis can be performed by the basis of two parameters: the time domain and frequency domain. The electrocardiogram, heart monitors and analog converters are the main instruments used to obtain indices that allow the assessment of HRV, whose high variability indicates good physiological adaptation of the organism while its reduction has been identified as an important indicator for the emergence of pathologies or complications in patients with underlying diseases known. Con­clusion. The study of HRV has been presented as an important tool for assessing the body functioning in normal and pathological condi­tions thus providing the development of actions by health profession­als aiming prevention and/or detecting several physiopathologies.

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