
The season began on 8 January and continued until 30 March 1984. As in previous years our work was carried out in close cooperation with the Egyptian Antiquities Organization, and we would like to thank the Chairman, Dr. Ahmed Kadry, Dr. Mahmud Abd el-Raziq, Dr. Aly elKhouli, Dr. Ibrahim el-Nawawy, Mr. Fuad Yaqoub and the Members of the Permanent Committee, Mr. Nassef Hassan, Dr. Ahmed Moussa, and at Saqqara and Memphis, Mr. Said Amer el-Fiqy, Mr. Abd el-Karim Abu Shannab, Mr. Muhammed Rashid, Mr. Muhammed Youssef, and Mr. Mahmud Abu elWafa. The photographer of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization at Saqqara, Mr. Hassabullah el-Taib again provided us with some very useful archive photographs of the early excavations at the Apis House. We must also thank very warmly the staff of the American Research Center office in Cairo, especially Dr. Robert Wenke and Dr. Nanette Pyne, Dr. Mary Ellen Lane, Mr. Mark Lehner, and also Mr. Colin Davies, and acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Patricia Spencer and Ms. Helen McKeowan of the Egypt Exploration Society, London.

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