
Herbivore-induced plant volatiles provide foraging cues for herbivores and for herbivores’ natural enemies. Aphids induce plant volatile emissions and also utilize plant-derived olfactory volatile cues, but the chemical ecology of aphids and other phloem-feeding insects is less extensively documented than that of chewing insects. Here, we characterize the volatile cues emitted by turnip plants (Brassica rapa) under attack by an aphid (Myzus persicae) or by the chewing lepidopteran larva Heliothis virescens. We also tested the behavioral responses of M. persicae individuals to the odors of undamaged and herbivore-damaged plants presented singly or in combination, as well as to the odor of crushed conspecifics (simulating predation). Gas chromatographic analysis of the volatile blend of infested turnips revealed distinct profiles for both aphid- and caterpillar-induced plants, with induced compounds including green-leaf alcohols, esters, and isothiocyanates. In behavioral trials, aphids exhibited increased activity in the presence of plant odors and positive attraction to undamaged turnip plants. However, aphids exhibited a strong preference for the odors of healthy versus plants subjected to herbivore damage, and neither aphid- or caterpillar-damaged plants were attractive compared to clean-air controls. Reduced aphid attraction to herbivore-infested plants may be mediated by changes in the volatile blend constituent composition, including large amounts of isothiocyanates and green-leaf volatiles or, in the case of aphid-infested plants, of the aphid alarm pheromone, (E)-β-farnesene.

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