
‘APF-45’ was introduced to broaden the choices of this innovative, primocane-fruiting blackberry (Rubus L. subgenus Rubus Watson) type. This is the third in the University of Arkansas Prime-Ark Brand Primocane Fruiting Blackberry cultivar line and will be marketed as Prime-Ark 45. It follows the release of ‘APF-8’ and ‘APF-12’ (marketed as Prime-Jan and Prime-Jim , respectively) in 2004 (Clark et al., 2005). This unique type of blackberry fruits on current-season canes (primocanes) and second-season canes (floricanes). Traditional blackberry cultivars fruit on floricanes, requiring canes to be overwintered to produce a crop. This fruiting habit has the potential to expand blackberry production much like that which has occurred for primocane-fruiting red raspberries (Rubus ideaus L.). These first two primocane-fruiting cultivars were intended primarily for home-garden production and for limited commercial trial evaluations. ‘APF-45’ is the first primocanefruiting cultivar with commercial-quality fruit characteristics with postharvest potential for shipping. It may broaden production both seasonally and geographically to strengthen blackberry growing and marketing.

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