
Eclogite mantle xenoliths from the central part of Siberian craton (Udachnaya and Zarnitsa kimberlite pipes) as well as from the northeastern edge of the craton (Obnazhennaya kimberlite) were studied in detail. Garnet and clinopyroxene show evident exsolution textures. Garnet comprises rutile, ilmenite, apatite, and quartz/coesite oriented inclusions. Clinopyroxene contains rutile (±ilmenite) and apatite precipitates. Granular inclusions of quartz in kyanite and garnet usually retain features of their high-pressure origin. According to thermobarometric calculations, the studied eclogitic suite was equilibrated within lithospheric mantle at 3.2–4.9GPa and 813–1080°C. The precursor composition of garnets from Udachnaya and Zarnitsa eclogites suggests their stability at depths 210–260km. Apatite precipitation in clinopyroxenes of Udachnaya and Zarnitsa allows us to declare that original pyroxenes could have been indicative of their high P–T stability. Raman spectroscopic study of quartz and coesite precipitates in garnet porphyroblasts confirms our hypothesis on the origin of the exsolution textures during pressure–temperature decrease. With respect to mineralogical data, we suppose the rocks to be subjected to stepwise decompression and cooling within mantle reservoir.

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