
The purpose of this research is to find similarities and differences of sharia bank and convenstional bank’s financial systems from bank employee’s perspective.This study use qualitative method with fenomenology approach because it describes the general meaning of several individuals toward their various life experiences related to the concept or phenomenon.. The data used in this research are primary data that obtained through in-depth interview with bank employee and secondary data that obtained form of documentation study to be done triangulation data. The main focus in this study is describe what are the similarities and differences of financial system in sharia bank and conventional bank of what is happening in the reality. The results of this study indicate that the similarity of financial system is drawn from the experience of bank employees who have worked in sharia and conventional banks derived from the type of product and its function as a financial institution. Meanwhile, the difference of sharia and conventional banks derived from the profit taking and system.In reality, sharia and conventional banks are different in terms of religion point of view, while the contracts and the economic substance of those two banks are the same.Keywords: financial system, sharia bank, conventional bank, bank employee

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