
The extra role of employees will have a very significant impact on the good or bad of the organization. If the extra role of employees is high, it will be an advantage for the organization, and vice versa. The purpose of this study was to examine in depth the role of Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership in Organizations Citizenship Behavior (OCB), by involving Power Distance as moderation. The sample was taken as many as 65 employees from the hotel industry in the Special Region of Yogyakarta who were randomly assigned using the FormsApp.. The collected data were processed using the SPSS program. The processed data has met the data quality requirements. The results of the study provide an explanation that Transformational Leadership has a significant positive effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), while Transactional Leadership has been empirically confirmed to have a positive effect on a weak level of significance on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Furthermore, the analysis results show that Power Distance as a moderating variable weakens the influence of Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The implication of the results of this study provides a clear picture where if there are human resource management practices that create a wider distance between superiors and subordinates, it will have a negative impact on organizational performance because of the low extra roles that employees have. Therefore the results of this study can provide information and strategic direction in human resource management in an effort to increase the extra role of employees.


  • The extra role of employees will have a very significant impact on the good or bad of the organization

  • Furthermore, the analysis results show that Power Distance as a moderating variable weakens the influence of Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior.The implication of the results of this study provides a clear picture where if there are human resource management practices that create a wider distance between superiors and subordinates, it will have a negative impact on organizational performance because of the low extra roles that employees have


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Karekteristik seorang pemimpin haruslah menyiapkan bawahannya, sehingga bawahannya mampu menjelaskan ide dan keputusannya, dan bawahan merasa tertantang untuk menumbuhkan kekuatan kreativitasnya (Müceldili et al, 2013). Pertamakali MLQ diformulasikan oleh Bass dan Avolio untuk menilai gaya kepemimpinan transformasional, transaksional, dan laissez-faire. Arahan dan gambaran yang jelas mengenai masa depan organisasi, menginspirasi bagi seluruh karyawan untuk melihat masa depan organisasi, memberikan contoh kinerja yang mendukung perubahan organisasi serta mendorong bawahan untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya, tak lain adalah perilaku dari gaya Transformational Leadership. Dianggap sebagai salah satu yang paling luas tentang teori kepemimpinan, gaya transformasional dan transaksional memberikan arah perilaku yang saling melengkapi. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) sebagai perilaku individu yang bersifat diskresioner, yang tidak secara langsung atau eksplisit terkait dengan sistem imbalan, dan bahwa secara agregat berfungsi meningkatkan efektifitas dari organisasi (Organ, 2015). Penerimaan ketidaksetaraan membentuk berbagai pandangan karyawan pada interaksi dalam organisasi (Hober et al, 2019). Cheung & Pires, (2015) menyimpulkan bahwa jarak kekuasaan memiliki efek moderasi pada persepsi manajerial tentang dampak kepercayaan, salah satu dari enam dimensi kinerja bisnis

Transformational Leadership dan Behavior
Tinjauan Proses Penelitian
Prosedur Pemilihan Sampel
Jenjang Usia
Jenis Kelamin Perempuan
Hasil Analisis Regresi
Uji Moderasi
Beta t Sig
European Journal of Work and Organizational
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