
The AP1000® is an advanced pressurized water reactor (PWR) design developed by Westinghouse which implements passive safety systems to provide core cooling in case of accident. The performing of such systems must be evaluated through the performance of experiments and simulations with a variety of thermal–hydraulic codes. This paper presents the results which has been obtained for different SBLOCA break sizes with the best estimate TRACE V5.0 patch 2 thermal–hydraulic code and their comparison with those obtained by Westinghouse with NOTRUMP code. The main results show that TRACE code predicts a similar trend in all sequences with some differences that are expected to be an issue of the more conservative models and hypothesis assumed in the SBLOCA licensing analysis performed with NOTRUMP. Some particular characteristics of this reactor are also shown in this paper such as the importance of core makeup tank (CMT) and passive residual heat removal (PRHR) system for core cooling in case of small break sizes and the behavior of the plant in case of availability of half of the total passive safety injection systems which is the case of the double-ended direct vessel injection line break (DEDVI).

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