
As part of my studies in a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) at Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, I completed a Professional Internship in my final semester. The internship was an opportunity to take on the role of an early childhood professional.
 "Kylie, how would you like to go to DoCS?"
 I found myself answering without thinking. I would not want to appear uninterested to a lecturer now would I? It was when I took the time to actually think about my decision I became a little apprehensive. Yes, admittedly flashes of damaged children came to mind. How could I possibly deal with this? The reaction from my peers, family and mends didn't exactly ease my reservations. Anyway, what is a Children's Services Advisor? What do they do? I was about to find out. Going into a placement for my Professional Internship without any expectations obviously meant that I could not possibly be disappointed. My greatest concern was what could I get out of this placement, as a fourth year joining the profession next year. I made a decision that whatever this experience was going to be like I could tackle it head on and use it to my advantage. On my first day I was anxious to say the least. It was raining and I was struggling to find a park that would not leave me drenched or with a ticket upon my return. My mind was racing. What was I doing? On arrival into the building I was faced with a code locked door - not very comforting. I was informed it was due to "trouble" in the past. Fantastic! Was my life going to be threatened and how was I going to remember the codes? My initial meeting with the CSA I was to be working with SUddenly put an my fears and apprehensions at ease. A light amid all this confusion. I suddenly saw my placement as being a pleasant experience.

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