
We report on successful treatment of female sexual dysfunction in a young (23-year-old) woman (she/her) with a combination of anxiolytic and stress-relieving natural health products (NHPs) together with patient education and lifestyle counselling. Presenting symptoms included decreased sexual desire and arousal, anorgasmia, dyspareunia, and vaginismus that had improved with pelvic physiotherapy prior to the onset of naturopathic treatment. Contributing factors in this case included a personal history of abuse and sexual trauma. Alongside counseling and patient education, NHPs initially included L-theanine, Rhodiola rosea, Panax ginseng, and vitamin D. Over approximately 4 months of treatment, the patient reported significant improvements in sexual desire, both physical and psychological arousal, and was able to achieve orgasm. This case report identifies the important role of mental health and stress in female sexual dysfunction and supports the use of natural anxiolytics to support sexual function, in particular in patients with a history of trauma.

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