
COVID-19 causes various manifestations to human, especially for groups that have high risks, including pregnant women. Pregnancy during pandemic could be a risk factor for anxiety disorders in pregnant women. The purpose of this article is to know more about anxiety disorders in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method of this article is a literature review with literature sources from research journal articles such as from NCBI, Elseiver, and websites such as CDC and WHO, amounting to 28 published in 2017-2020 with the keywords which are used for this literature searching are pregnancy, anxiety, psychology disorder, COVID-19, and Coronavirus. The analytical method used is systematic literature review which include identifying, evaluating, and developing systematically with a specific focus on appropriate and relevant topics. The results of the analysis of several studies show that anxiety in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic has increased. Pregnant women easily experience feelings of worry about something that will happen to her and her child. Another factor that affects the level of anxiety is the presence or absence of support from her family and nurses to help reduce the perception of the risk in causing anxiety disorders.

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