
Suleyman Demirel Universitesi TIP FAKULTESI DERGISI: 2008 Mart; 15 (1) Anxiety, depression and quality of life in mothers of disabled children Gonca Bumin*, Ayla Gunal**, Sermin Tukel*** *Hacettepe University, School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Ankara, Turkey. **Suleyman Demirel University, School of Health Science, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Isparta, Turkey ***Tohum Autism Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey Ozet Ozurlu cocuklarin annelerinde anksiyete, depresyon ve yasam kalitesi Amac: Bu calismanin amaci ozurlu cocuklarin annelerinde anksiyete, depresyon ve yasam kalitesi arasindaki iliskiyi incelemektir. Yontem: Calisma Ankara'da 3 ayri rehabilitasyon merkezinde yapildi. Calismaya 107 ozurlu cocuk annesi dahil edildi. Depresyon duzeyini degerlendirmek icin Beck Depresyon Olcegi (BDO), anksiyete duzeyini degerlendirmek icin Durumluluk-Sureklilik Kaygi Olcegi (DSKO) ve yasam kalitesini degerlendirmek icin Nottingham Saglik Profili (NSP) uygulandi.Degerlendirmeler cocuklarin rehabilitasyon merkezlerinde tedavileri esnasinda yapildi. Bulgular: BDO verilerine gore ortalama puan 14.22, SD:13.03, DKO puani 41.95, SD: 6.55 ve SKO puani 47.27, SD:7.94 idi. BDO ile SKO arasinda (r:0.348, p0.01) ve BDO ile NSP'nin tum alt maddeleri arasinda anlamli bir iliski bulundu (emosyonel reaksiyon-ER r:0.622, enerji duzeyi-ED r:0.416, agri r: 0.463, uyku r:0.429, fiziksel yetenekler-FY r:0.422, sosyal izolasyon-SI r:0.587, p0.01). SKO ile NSP arasinda anlamli bir iliski vardi (ER r:0.271, p0.01, ED r:0.206, p0.05, uyku r:0.252, p0.01). Ayrica annelerin egitim duzeyi ile SKO arasinda (r:-0.209, p0.05) ve NSP arasinda negatif bir iliski vardi (r:-0.240, p0.05). Sonuclar: Calismamizin sonuclari ozurlu cocuklarin annelerinde onemli derecede anksiyete ve depresyon oldugunu gosterdi. Depresyon ve anksiyete duzeyinin artmasi annelerin yasam kalitesini olumsuz yonde etkilemekteydi. Etkili rehabilitasyon programlari yalnizca cocuklarin ozur duzeyleri ile ilgili bilgilendirmedegil ayni zamanda anneler icin psikolojik destek saglayacak tekrarli takipleri icermelidir. Anahtar kelimeler: Depresyon, anksiyete, yasam kalitesi, ozurlu cocuk anneleri Abstract Anxiety, depression and quality of life in mothers of disabled children Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among anxiety and depression with quality of life in mothers with disabled children. Methods: The study was performed three rehabilitation centers in Ankara. One hundred and seven disabled children's mothers included of the study. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Nottingham Health Profile's Part -1 (NHP) were used to assess depression, anxiety and quality of life of mothers. The assessments were performed during children's treatment in rehabilitation centers. Results: The mean score on the BDI was 14.22, SD:13.03, SAI was 41.95, SD: 6.55 and TAI was 47.27, SD:7.94. There was a significant correlation between BDI and TAI (r: 0.348, p0.01) and all subscales of NHP (emotional reaction-ER r: 0.622, energy level-EL r: 0.416, pain r: 0.463, sleep r: 0.429, physical mobility-PM r: 0.422, social isolation-SI r: 0.587, p0.01). There was a significant correlation between TAI and ER (r: 0.271, p0.01) EL (r: 0.206, p0.05) sleep (r: 0.252, p0.01) of NHP. There was a significant correlation between mother's education level and TAI (r:-0.209, p0.05). There was a significant correlation between mother's education level and NHP pain scale (r:-0.240, p0.05). Conclusions: The findings of this study indicated that mothers with disabled children have anxiety and depression. Increased depression and anxiety level affected with badly in mother's quality of life. The effective rehabilitation programs should provide sufficient opportunities for repeated follow-up interviews which offer not only information on the children's disabilities but also psychological support for the mothers. Keywords: Depression, anxiety, mothers have disabled children, quality of life.

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