
Topic A questionnaire consisting of ten questions was used to discover how many physicians have experience in applying acupuncture in emergency situations and what sort of situations it is applied by them. Method Acupuncture associations in German-speaking countries were requested to send the questionnaire to their members by email. Results 44 responses were received from emergency physicians, university lecturers, retired colleagues and students. Fifteen of the respondents contributed brief case studies of their experience with acupuncture in emergency situations. The indications most frequently mentioned were: pain, loss of consciousness, nausea, difficulty in breathing and epilepsy. The acupuncture points most frequently used in emergency situations were: Large intestine 4, Du Mai 26, kidney point 67, directing vessel 17, Du Mai 20, Pericardium 6, Liver 3. The basal and Y points were frequently used in YNSA. The lung, sacroiliac joint and valium points were mentioned on the ear. A total of 34 respondents were interested in training and further education on the topic of acupuncture in emergency medicine. Discussion The significance of acupuncture in emergency and crisis situations is increasing worldwide. Acupuncture is already being applied in military medicine in the USA. Reports from the emergency services after the earthquake in Haiti and experience with National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) acupuncture in Africa show how useful the application of acupuncture can be in emergency situations.

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