
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction describes a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction in the absence of a mechanical lesion. We studied antroduodenal motility in 13 children with pseudo-obstruction. The diagnosis was based on radiographic evidence in all, surgery in 11, and specific pathologic features in four. Antroduodenal motility was abnormal in all 13. Qualitative abnormalities in the patterns of antroduodenal contractions permitted separation into groups: (1) postprandial hypomotility (n = 3), (2) absent migrating motor complexes, with phase 3-like activity at the start of meals (neuropathic variety) (n = 5) (3) very low amplitude or absent contractions (myopathic variety) (n = 2); the remaining patients (n = 3) had other distinctive abnormalities. Cisapride, a new gastrointestinal prokinetic drug, stimulated proximal duodenal contractions in the 30 minutes after a meal in nine of 10 patients tested. These studies indicate that antroduodenal manometry is useful for characterizing intestinal pseudo-obstruction, and cisapride stimulates postprandial duodenal contractions in patients with pseudo-obstruction.

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