
Abstract: Viruses represent a significant health menace due to their rapid transmissibility and potential to cause worldwide pandemics, resulting in substantial loss of human life. Antiviral agents play a pivotal role in mitigating the impact of viral infections. Nonetheless, treating viral infections is a multifaceted process due to the inherent characteristics of viruses, such as their capacity to undergo mutations and rapid evolution. Consequently, the effectiveness of current antiviral therapies can be impeded. This review encompasses the diverse manners in which viruses, emphasizing COVID-19, affect the human body and elucidates the challenges encountered in formulating efficacious antiviral treatments. Moreover, the limitations of conventional antiviral therapies are underscored. Additionally, a comprehensive compendium of 41 antiviral drugs is presented, detailing their mechanisms of action and routes of administration. Subsequently, the discussion includes 9 drugs repurposed for treating COVID-19, delineating their primary use as well as any accompanying side effects. In conclusion, while antiviral drugs remain pivotal in the battle against viral infections, the obstacles associated with their development and usage warrant careful consideration. Ongoing research is imperative to devise more potent and less toxic antiviral interventions against COVID-19 infection.

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