
Possible applicability of controlled temperature chain (CTC) for selected antisera and vaccines was evaluated. Bivalent oral polio vaccine (OPV), hepatitis B vaccine (HepB vaccine; monovalent and combined) and antisera (lyophilized and liquid scorpion-antivenom and liquid snake-antivenom) were tested. Samples were stored at accelerated (35 ± 5 °C) and freezing (−25 ± 5 °C) conditions for 24 h, one week and one month in addition to recommended storage condition (2–8 °C), except OPV samples that were tested at accelerated and refrigerated (2–8 °C) conditions compared to recommended storage conditions (−25 ± 5 °C). All samples were tested for potency. Protein content and composition were determined for antisera samples. All vaccine vial-monitors were evaluated. HepB vaccine was subjected to aluminum-content assay, shake test and microscopical examination. No significant change in antisera potency was detectable under accelerated condition for a week. OPV stored in refrigerator for a month and at accelerated condition for 48 h maintained acceptable potency. Monovalent and combined HepB vaccine maintained acceptable potency under accelerated condition for a month and a week, respectively. Freezing adversely affected HepB vaccine. In conclusion, reevaluation of storage conditions of tested products is urgently required; this can reduce storage costs and improves their availability. Other products should be tested for possible CTC applicability.

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