
Heparin and heparin fragments in the molecular mass range 1,700-20,000 Da were examined for their ability to accelerate the antithrombin III (AT III)-dependent inhibition of human factor Xa and the prothrombin converting complex (prothrombinase) during human prothrombin activation. The prothrombinase reaction was modeled by a 3-parameter 2-exponential equation to determine the initial rate of prothrombin activation and the pseudo-first order rate constants of inhibition of prothrombinase and in situ generated thrombin activity. The catalytic specific activities of the heparins increased with increasing molecular size for both the inhibition of prothrombinase and factor Xa. A 10-fold increase over the entire Mr range was found. In contrast to results obtained by others (Ellis, V., Scully, M. F., and Kakkar, V. V. (1986) Biochem. J. 233, 161-165; Barrowcliffe, T. W., Havercroft, S. J., Kemball-Cook, G., and Lindahl, U. (1987) Biochem. J. 243, 31-37), all the heparins showed a 5-fold higher rate of inhibition of factor Xa when compared with the inhibition of prothrombinase, indicating that the factor Va-mediated protection of factor Xa from inhibition by AT III/heparin is independent of the molecular size of the heparin. Our original approach has also revealed a hitherto unrecognized phenomenon, namely, in addition to the accelerating effect of the heparins on the rate of formation of the inactive AT III-factor Xa complex, heparins with Mr greater than 4,500 reduce the initial rate of thrombin generation in the presence of AT III in a concentration-dependent way. We hypothesize that the formation of the dissociable ternary AT III-heparin-factor Xa complex results in a (partial) loss of factor Xa activity towards its natural substrate prothrombin.

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