
To understand recently established empirical p+ α potentials, RGM calculations followed by inversion are made to study contributions of the d+ 3He reaction channels and deuteron distortion effects to the p+ α potential. An equivalent study of the d+ 3He potential is also presented. The contributions of exchange non-locality to the absorption are simulated by including an phenomenological imaginary potential in the RGM. These effects alone strongly influence the shape of the imaginary potentials for both p+ α and d+ 3He. The potentials local-equivalent to the fully antisymmetrised-coupled channels calculations have a significant parity-dependence in both real and imaginary components, which for p+ α is qualitatively similar to that found empirically. The effects on the potentials of the further inclusion of deuteron distortion are also presented. The inclusion of a spin-orbit term in the RGM, adds additional terms to the phase-equivalent potential, most notably the comparatively large imaginary spin-orbit term found empirically.

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