
Structure and reaction studies using the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) method are reviewed. Applications of time-independent and time-dependent versions of AMD are described. In applications of time-independent AMD to nuclear structure studies, the structures of neutron-rich nuclei such as Be, C, Ne, and Mg isotopes are described, focusing on cluster aspects. The important roles of valence neutrons are discussed. The results suggest that a variety of cluster structures appear in unstable nuclei as well as in stable nuclei. Deformation and cluster phenomena in Z ∼ N nuclei in p- and sd-shell regions are also discussed. The applications of time-dependent AMD include various topics such as fragmentation in heavy-ion collisions as well as nuclear responses. The AMD calculations successfully describe multifragmentation, which is one of the remarkable phenomena observed in heavy-ion collisions. The approach is able to link reactions and nuclear matter properties. The studies suggest the important balance between single-particle motions and correlations to form clusters and fragments.

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