
Abstract : Since the end of the Cold War, the US Navy has reduced its Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) force structure and training dollars. Today, US ASW forces, surface, air, and submerged, have been cut significantly and/or they have assumed other missions to maintain relevance in the changing naval and conflicts of the 199Os and early 21st century. As this draw down was occurring within the US Navy, much of the rest of the world was acquiring submarine technologies for the first time or modernizing and expanding their current submarine forces. The diesel submarine is seen by some countries as the ultimate asymmetrical weapon for employment against the US Navy. The current US Navy force structure is inadequate to meet the challenges posed by these potential threats. ASW is a core mission area for the US Navy. Right or wrong, a shift from ASW has occurred. The current status of ASW readiness, training, and forces in the Fleet must improve. It is vital the Navy meet and overcome these challenges which threaten the vision of Sea Power 21.

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