
We introduce the notion of anti-pre-Lie algebras as the underlying algebraic structures of nondegenerate commutative 2-cocycles which are the “symmetric” version of symplectic forms on Lie algebras. They can be characterized as a class of Lie-admissible algebras whose negative left multiplication operators make representations of the commutator Lie algebras. We observe that there is a clear analogy between anti-pre-Lie algebras and pre-Lie algebras by comparing them in terms of several aspects. Furthermore, it is unexpected that a subclass of anti-pre-Lie algebras, namely admissible Novikov algebras, correspond to Novikov algebras in terms of q-algebras. Consequently, there is a construction of admissible Novikov algebras from commutative associative algebras with derivations or more generally, admissible pairs. The correspondence extends to the level of Poisson type structures, leading to the introduction of the notions of anti-pre-Lie Poisson algebras and admissible Novikov-Poisson algebras, whereas the latter correspond to Novikov-Poisson algebras.

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