
The problem of reflection and refraction of antiplane shear (or magneto-elastic) waves at the interface between two ferromagnetic half-spaces with slipping contact (vacuum gap) is studied for waves propagating normal to the direction of the applied external magnetic field which is assumed to be parallel to the interface. We show the existence of new waves that are localized near the interface between the two ferromagnetic media and accompany the reflected and the transmitted waves. We call the new waves as accompanying surface magneto-elastic (ASME) waves; their amplitudes depend upon values of magnetoelastic parameters of the two media and the intensity of the applied magnetic field. We derive closed-form expressions for magnitudes (coefficients) of the reflected, the refracted (transmitted) and the ASME waves. We show that for a range of values of the applied magnetic field the coefficient of the reflected wave increases and that of the transmitted wave decreases with an increase in the magnitude of the applied magnetic field; these coefficients eventually approach 1 and 0, respectively. That is, the applied external magnetic field can totally eliminate the transmitted wave, and can control energies of the reflected, the refracted and the ASME waves.

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