
Barto‰ikova L., J. Neaas, V. Such˘, R. Kubinova, D. Vesela, L. Bene‰, J. Illek, J. ·alplachta, T. Florian, M. Frydrych, J. Klusakova, T. Barto‰ik, L. FraAa, P. FraAa, J. Dzurova: Antioxidative Effects of Morine in Ischemia-Reperfusion of Kidneys in the Laboratory Rat. Acta Vet. Brno 2003, 72: 87-94. The purpose of the study was to monitor the antioxidative effect of morine in the conditions of ischemia-reperfusion of laboratory rat kidney tissue. The animals were divided by random selection into two groups (n = 7). The treated group was given morine in peroral doses of 10 mg·kg1 in 0.5% solution of methylcellulose (Methocel) E5 once a day, the control group was given only the solution of Methocel E5. After medication was finished on the 20th day all animals were subject to kidney tissue ischemia (60 minutes) followed by reperfusion (10 minutes). All animals were subsequently exsanguinated, organs were recovered for histopathological examination and single identification of superoxiddismutase, glutathion peroxidase, total antioxidative capacity; and malondialdehyde level in the blood was carried out. We discovered a significant increase (p ≤ 0.05) of the superoxiddismutase catalytic activity in the treated group compared to the group of control ischemia-reperfusion. There was also a highly significant increase (p ≤ 0.01) of total antioxidative capacity in the treated group compared to the group of control ischemia-reperfusion. The glutathion peroxidase catalytic activity embodied non-significant changes when comparing the treated group and control group. A significant decrease (p ≤ 0.05) of malondialdehyde level was identified in the treated group compared to the group of control ischemia-reperfusion. The results of biochemical examination show a protective antioxidative effect of morine. The results of histopathological examination support this assumption.

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