
Abstract Objective: Free radicals are generated during different reactions in cells and are potentially threats to macromolecules such as DNA and protein. Cells have established defense systems to remove these radicals. In some diseases, the systems are defective because of different damages and cells cannot remove the radicals. Plants have been used for a long time as sources of antioxidants for treatment of different diseases. Ferula species have also been used and investigated as a source of antioxidants in Iranian herbal medicine. Methods: Here, we have studied the antioxidants activity of catalase, superoxide dismutase and lipid peroxidation from aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Ferula flabelliloba and Ferula diversivitata plants. Results: Our results have shown that they have significant antioxidant activity in different parts at different stages. Conclusion: We can conclude that these plants extracts can be used for more studies as antioxidant sources.

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