
The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant capacity, beta-carotene content, ascorbic acid concentration, and other compositional indices of the native but underutilized monkey jack (Artocarpus lacucha Buch-Hamm) fruit. The evaluation was conducted on unripe monkey jack fruits that were almost fully developed. The measurements of monkey jack fruit’s moisture, total soluble solid, and titratable acid were found to be 84.58 0.1%, 10.33 0.7 oBrix, and 3.92 0.6 g.100g-1, respectively. The hue value of 44.653.8, along with the L, a, and b values of 46.602.3, 25.002.3, and 26.131.9, respectively, indicate that the fruit flesh is pink. Using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method, the antioxidant activity of monkey jack fruit was determined to be 57.75 1.8 ppm, but the carotenoid and ascorbic acid concentrations were 54.22 1.4 and 45.90 1.8, respectively. This study demonstrated the significant potential of the Artocarpus lacucha Buch-Hamm fruit to serve as a natural source of antioxidant components.

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