
The aim of the present study was to investigate the in-vitro antioxidant and in-vivo Antimutagenic properties of Solanum xanthocarpum seed extracts the preliminary qualitative phytochemical screening was to reveal presence of polyphenols, flavonoids, glycoside, alkaloids, carbo-hydrates, and reducing sugar etc. Based preliminary qualitative phytochemical screening, Quantitative estimation of polyphenols was performed, quantitative estimation alcoholic extract found significant amounts of polyphenols as compare to aqueous extract. In-vitro antioxidants was performed by two method DDPH and superoxide radical scavenging method, the alcoholic extract shows significant antioxidant properties as compare to aqueous extract, based on polyphenols and antioxidant properties alcoholic extracts was used for the antimutagenic (clastogenic) test. Alcoholic extract produced significant result in antimutagenic activity. 

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