
Senggani (Melastoma candidum D. Don) leafis one of many plants in hilly areas around the city of Bukittinggi and one of biological potencies that can be utilized primarily as antioxidant and used to treat various diseases. Some active compounds in Melastoma genus that has activity as an antioxidant such as flavonoids and tannins. This study aims to examine the activity of free radical scavenging by methanol extract of senggani leaves and their fractions. The antioxidant activity of methanol extract of senggani leaves and its fractions was evaluated in vitro assays using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhidrazine (DPPH) method. The amount of antioxidant activity is characterized by the value of IC50 which is concentration of extract and fractions required to inhibit 50% of DPPH free radicals. The results showed that the antioxidant activity of senggani leaves were very strong for ethyl acetate and chloroform fractions with IC50 valuesof 43,1301 μg/ml and 43,8924 μg/ml, respectively, while for methanol fraction was strong with IC50 value of 65,6521 μg/ml. While the fraction of n hexane was categorized moderate with IC50 value of 122,3880 μg/ml. Senggani leaves have potential to be used as natural antioxidant in preventing free radicals.

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