
Brown seaweeds contain various metabolites (carotenoids, laminarin, alginate, fucoidan, mannitol, and phlorotannin) as anticancer substances, antioxidants and chemopreventive agent against degenerative diseases. This research was aimed to determine the chemical properties and antioxidants activity of Sargassum polycystum, Padina minor and Turbinaria conoides. This research consisted of the proximate analysis, crude fiber, minerals, heavy metals, extraction, phytochemicals, analysis phenolic compound and antioxidant activity with DPPH, FRAP and CUPRAC methods. The results showed moisture content of S. polycystum, P. minor, and T. conoides 24-31%, fat 0.23-0,47%, protein 3-4%, ash 27-45%, carbohydrate 26-38% and crude fiber 2-6%. Mineral Fe S. polycystum, P.minor and T.conoides about 0.03 g/kg to 0.39 g/kg, Ca 11.28 g/kg to 27.98 g/kg, K 13.86 g/kg to 41.15 g/kg, Na 16.31 g/kg to 20.51 g/kg and Mg 8.04 g/ kg to 18.68 g/kg. The range of heavy metals Pb S. polycystum, P. m i n o r and T. conoides 3.48 mg/kg to 12.68 mg/kg, Hg 0.24 mg/kg to 0.53 mg/kg and Cu 5.66 mg/kg to 7.02 mg/kg. Ethanol extract of S. polycystum, P. minor, and T. conoides contains alkaloids, phenolic, flavonoids, saponins, steroids, and triterpenoids. Total phenolic compounds of brown seaweeds ranged from 3758.97-8287.18 mg GAE/g. Brown seaweeds contain DPPH antioxidant activities within IC50 values of 1.9-9.6 mg/mL, FRAP 70.643-105.357 µmol Trolox/g and CUPRAC 85.268-201 µmol Trolox/g.


  • Brown seaweeds contain various metabolites as anticancer substances, antioxidants and chemopreventive agent against degenerative diseases

  • This research consisted of the proximate analysis, crude fiber, minerals, heavy metals, extraction, phytochemicals, analysis phenolic compound and antioxidant activity with DPPH, FRAP and CUPRAC methods

  • The results showed moisture content of S. polycystum, P. minor, and T. conoides 24-31%, fat 0.23-0,47%, protein 3-4%, ash 27-45%, carbohydrate 26-38% and crude fiber 2-6%

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Bahan dan Alat

Bahan utama yang digunakan adalah rumput laut cokelat jenis Sargassum polycystum, Padina minor dan Turbinaria conoides yang telah teridentifikasi oleh LIPI. Rumput laut diperoleh dari perairan Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta dengan titik koordinat 5o44`54.5oS106o36`41.6``E. Rumput laut diambil secara langsung pada bulan September 2016 dengan keadaan pH perairan 8, DO 6,9 mg/L, salinitas 32 ppt, suhu 33,7 oC dan kecepatan arus 0,023m/s. Bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk analisis bahan terdiri dari tablet Kjeldahl (Merck), H2SO4 1,25%; pekat (Merck), H2O2 (Merck), akuades, H3BO3 2% (Merck), indikator Brom Cresol Green-Methyl Red (Merck), NaOH 40% (Merck), HNO3 pekat (Merck), HClO4 (Merck), HF (Altech), NaBH4 (Sigma-Aldrich), HCl 0,1 N; 0,5N; pekat (Merck), etanol 97% (Merck), kloroform (Merck), NH4OH (Merck), aseton (Merck), pereaksi Meyer (larutan A 1,36 g HgCl2 (Sigma-Aldrich) dilarutkan dalam 60 mL akuades, larutan B 0,5 g KI (Merck) dilarutkan dalam 10 mL akuades), pereaksi Dragendroff Alat yang digunakan terdiri dari waterbath (SWBR17), rotary vacuum evaporator (RV 10 digital V), hot plate (Favorit HP0707V2), vorteks (VM-300), alat-alat gelas (Pyrex), mikro pipet (Gilson), AAS (Atomic Absorbtion Spectrofotometer) (Shimadzu AA7000), spectro UV-Vis RS Spectrophotometer (UV-2500)

Metode Penelitian
Analisis kadar mineral
Komposisi kimia
Abu tidak larut asam
Komposisi Mineral
Kandungan Logam Berat
Komponen Aktif
Hijau pekat
Kadar Total Fenolik
Aktivitas Antioksidan
UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH Terima kasih diucapkan kepada
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