
The antioxidant activities of probucol were measured in the oxidations of methyl linoleate in homogeneous solution and soybean phosphatidylcholine liposomal membranes and also of low-density lipoproteins. When an excess amount of probucol was reacted with galvinoxyl, the EPR spectrum of galvinoxyl disappeared and a new triplet EPR signal was found: g = 2.0058 and a H(2H) = 0.14 mT. The identical EPR spectrum was observed when probucol was reacted with tert-butoxyl radical generated from di- tert-butylperoxy oxalate. This EPR signal disappeared rapidly when reacted with either α-tocopherol or 6- O-palmitoyl-ascorbic acid. Probucol suppressed the free-radical-mediated oxidations of methyl linoleate in hexane and in acetonitrile, in a dose-dependent manner. Its antioxidant activity was 17.5-fold less than that of α-tocopherol in hexane. Probucol incorporated into soybean phosphatidylcholine liposomes suppressed its oxidation. The antioxidant activity of probucol was less than that of α-tocopherol, but the difference between the two antioxidant activities was smaller in the membranes than in homogeneous solution. Probucol also suppressed the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein. Interestingly, probucol suppressed the oxidation of LDL as efficiently as α-tocopherol, implying that physical factors as well as chemical reactivity are important in determining the overall activity of antioxidant in low-density lipoprotein.

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