
Bambara groundnut (BG) (Vigna subterranean) is an underutilized, indigenous crop in South Africa that has nutritional and associated health benefits. Decreasing the antinutrients in food sources can potentially increase the digestibility of proteins and mineral absorption. To determine the effect of traditional processing (cooking) on the antinutrient content and metabolome of this crop, BG was sampled from 12 rural farms in three districts of the Mpumalanga province, South Africa. The four main colors that were identified (cream, orange, brown, and purple) were pooled together according to the district they were obtained from. One-half of each color sample obtained from each of the three districts was dehulled, color sorted, milled, and subjected to subsequent antinutrient and metabolome analyses, while the other half was cooked, air-dried, and milled prior to analyses. Samples were analyzed for phytate and tannins (antinutrients) by hydrochloric acid extraction methods as well as metabolome constituents by ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOF-MS). Phytate, tannins, as well as other metabolomic constituents, namely, catechin, epicatechin, procyanidin, as well as citric acid, were identified in all raw and cooked BG samples. The cooking process resulted in a significant decrease (p<0.05) in the phytate and tannin content as well as an increase in the health-associated phenolic compounds.

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