
Ocimum sanctum commonly known as Tulsi has been used for thousands of year in the ayurveda for its diverse healing properties. This study was conducted to evaluate the antinociceptive activity of tulsi oil (Tulsi Amrit) in pain induced rat models . The rats were divided into 4 Groups of 6 animals each (n=6). Group 1 – served as control, Group 2- was treated with standard drug piroxicam and Group 3 an Group 4 – were treated with test substance at two dose levels. The models selected to study the effect on nociception were hot plat assay, cold plate test in rats. The tusi oil demonstrated significant ( P < 0.0001) antinociceptive activity at the doses (100 and 200mg/kg body weight P.O) tested compared to standard piroxicam 20mg/kg. The tulsi oil (Tulsi amrit) was found to have a significant ( P < 0.0001) inhibitory effect on hot plate at both the doses as well on cold plate. The study reveals antinociceptive activity of Tulsi Amrit.

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