
Pregnant PCOS patients were found to suffer from many adverse outcomes of pregnancy. Prediction of the fate of pregnancy and labor in PCOS patients was highly needed. There were recently discovered roles of serum AMH in those patients who were seeking for pregnancy and who were conceiving with assisted reproductive techniques. To analyze the predictive roles of measuring serum levels of AMH in patients with PCOS who became pregnant spontaneously or used assisted reproductive techniques regarding abortion and preterm delivery. A total of 100 females with PCOS were included in the study and they underwent assisted reproductive techniques were included in the study and underwent measurement of AMH levels regularly. We found that a total of 70 patients had a term delivery, and 30 patients had a preterm delivery. We found no statistically significant differences between both groups regarding their age or body mass index (BMI). We showed that serum AMH levels were higher in the group of PCOS patients who had preterm delivery than in the group of patients with term delivery (p < .0.001). High serum AMH levels were found to be associated with higher risks of occurrence of preterm labor in patients with PCOS who underwent assisted reproductive techniques. Our results gave a clue to clinicians for better management of the pregnancy process in these patients.

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