
A new broad-spectrum anthelminthic, anti minth (pyrantel pamoate), has been evaluated in 1,506 patients, mainly children. Single doses of 5/mg/lb/body weight (base activity) showed high overall efficacy against Enterobius vermicularis (97.2%) and Ascaris lumbricoides (97.5%). In tropical locations, in patients with multiple in festataons, single doses of 10 mg/lb/day for three consecutive days achieved a cure rate of 86.4 per cent with Necator americanus. With a smaller number of patients, a lower dosage of 5 mg/lb/day for three consecutive days was also effective (90.7%). At recommended doses (5 mg/lb/day), Antiminth (pyrantel pamoate) was well tolerated and free of adverse effects upon hematologic, renal, and hepatic function. There was not the troublesome staining seen with certain other anthelminthics. The safety profile was further substantiated by clinical experience with doses in excess of 5 mg/lb/body weight, at times carried on for several weeks.

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