
Objective: It was aimed to use herbal alternatives in minimizing the oral pathogen floras of patients using removable denture. Method: Aantimicrobial activities of green tea, mint, and clove extracts on the various concentrations of significant pathogens of Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcos fecealis were examined. Moreover, the inhibition effects of the most effective herbal extracts, which were selected by examining the in-vivo study findings, on the oral flora of individuals using removable denture were compared with chlorhexidine control group. Results: the highest inhibition against S. mutans bacteria in vitro studies was clove plant. (18.5±0.7mm, 2h), In vivo findings, aerobic oral pathogen fluorescence decreased in all 4 groups. Four different groups of patients were selected. Aerobe microorganisms were isolated from the mouth flora prior to administration. At the end of each day during the course of the analysis, the effect of Extracts on oral pathogens was examined. The application was completed at the end of the fourth day. The highest inhibitions in patients were; respectively; Green tea; 43.5%, mint; 48.4%, clove; 46.3% and chlorhexidine; 38.8%.

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